The police often advise you not to leave valuables in your parked car. But ironically, leaving expensive items behind is precisely the reason this stolen Ferrari was recovered. The American owner was able to find his Ferrari 812Â because he left his wireless earbuds in the car.
If you buy a set of Airpods from Apple, they immediately serve as a kind of Airtag. The earbuds automatically connect to a nearby iPhone to transmit their location. So there is no GPS in it. The thieves (or someone who happened to be near the car) had an iPhone and accidentally passed on the location of the Airpods – and therefore of the car.
Leaving Airpods lying around saves a few hundred thousand euros
The location allowed the police to find the car. According to the clip from a news broadcast below, the car is said to be worth half a million dollars, but that may be a bit of an exaggeration. In any case, in the Netherlands you can get them from 350,000 euros. In any case, it saves buying a new car costing a few thousand euros – although we suspect that the car was simply insured.
So you have to make a consideration: if your car is worth more than your Airpods, leave your earphones in the car. If your car is worth a little more, it is better to leave your caps in the car. To be clear: this is a joke. Just buy a real Airtag for the car. Or even better: buy a good tracker and put an Airtag in the car just to be sure.